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Keith Mansfield - Crash Course
(waiwan Re-Edit)
pressed in 1977

At night, however, I opened out, I began to grow again, I became a bat,
I left the university and wandered around Mexico City like a wraith (I can't in all honesty say like a fairy, although I would like to) and drank and talked and attended literary gatherings (I knew where to find them all) and counseled the young poets who came to see me even back then, though not as much as they would later on, and I had a kind word for each of them. What am I saying: a word! I had a hundred or a thousand words for every one of them; to me they were all grandsons of Lopez Velarde, great-grandsons of Salvador Diaz Miron, those brave, troubled boys, those downhearted boys adrift in the nights of Mexico City, those brave boys who turned up with their sheets of foolscap folded in two and their dog-eared volumes and their scruffy notebooks and sat in cafes that never close or in the most depressing bars in the world, where I was the only woman, except, occasionally, for the ghost of Lillian Serpas (but more about Lillian later), and they gave me their poems to read, their verses, their fuddled translations, and I took those sheets of foolscap and read them in silence, with my back to the table where they were raising their glasses desperately trying to be ingenious or ironic or cynical, poor angels, and I plunged into those words (I can't in all honesty say into that river of words, although I would like to, since it wasn't so much a river as an inchoate babble), letting them seep into my very marrow, I spent a moment alone with those words choked by the brilliance and sadness of youth,

with those splinters of a shattered dime-store mirror, and I looked at myself or rather for myself in them, and there I was!
Auxilio Lacouture, or fragments of Auxilio Lacouture: blue eyes, blond hair going gray, cut in a bob, long, thin face, lined forehead, and the fact of my selfhood sent a shiver down my spine, plunged me into a sea of doubts, made me anxious about the future, the days approaching at the pace of a cruise ship, although the vision also proved that I was living in and with my time, the time I had chosen, the time all around me, tremulous, changeable, teeming, happy.
- Roberto Bolanos (cut)
Really amazing post.
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