Potential BadBoy & Yush - You're Mine
remix by DJ Hype
pressed in 2004

dj hype
he'll never let you go
oh no
wake the talentened people
'bout to bein' disco'n be your way
don't you bother bein' no far away
dj hype
he'll never let you go
oh no
wake the talentened people
'bout to bein' disco'n be your way
don't you bother bein' no far away
dj hype
he'll never let you go
oh no
i never could let you go
oh no
oh no
dj hype
he'll never let you go
oh no
oh no
oh no
dj hype
he'll never let you go
oh no
no mercy tonight!
dj hype
he'll never let you go
oh no
dj hype
he'll never let you go
you're mine
wake the talentened people
'bout to bein' disco'n be your way
don't you bother bein' no far away
no mercy tonight!
come again and do't right
dj hype
he'll never let you go
oh no
you're mine
i'll never let you go
you're mine
dj hype
he'll never let you go
oh no
dj hype
dj hype

Hungarian Language:
savage it may be but of a beauty that has nothing human about it, with sonorities of another universe, powerful and corrosive, appropriate to prayer, to groans and to tears, risen out of hell to perpetuate its accent and its aura…words of nectar and cyanide. - Emile Cioran (cut)
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