1. play the music
2. look at photos
3. play again if music stops
Don Matias - Konga Kool
pressed in 2004
Disfrutar, beber, reirse. Todo el tiempo.
(lol) Trabajar? poco.
Lo justo.

"You're the writer. So write. Give us a paragraph about Catherine Hawes."
Sommers shrugged wearily. He studied his cigarette, dragged on it, flipped it out toward the gutter. He would have liked more of an audience but he gave it to us anyhow.
"Catherine Hawes." he said. "About twenty-five, exceptionally pretty. Bright too, but without much intellect. Neurotic, divorced, essentially uninhibited. Just enough sensitivity and awareness so that she can't be satisfied with the ordinary middle-class existence - husband, family, that sort of thing - but not enough creativity or drive to find anything to take its place. She drifts, goes off the deep end sometimes, generally out of sheer boredom - drinks too much, looks for new kicks. There are a lot of girls like her. They shouldn't go to college to start with. They get just enough ideas about art and rebellion to get restless. But most of them settle down eventually, wind up at cocktail parties in the country club and forget they ever knew the difference. They play golf. Cathy probably will too, sooner or later."
"You said she was married."
"She cheated. It broke up."
"She a nympho?"
"I wouldn't put it that way. She was knocking around a lot before the marriage. People get used to that. It's not the sexual satisfaction so much as the excitement of somebody new." - David Markson (cut)
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