Francisco - Moon Roller 12"
remix by raiders of the lost ARP
pressed in 2004

A classic in dystopian sci-fi flicks, Rollerball with James Cann made rollerball the game of the future. Set in a far off future where 'corporate society was an inevitable destiny' brought about by the 'centuries old dream' of the good life, the game of Rollerball was created to demonstrate the futility of individual effort. The game had it's rules and the corporate maxim was to 'let the game do it's work.'

All games have their rules. But to live under rule of game is no life at all. When Gertrude Stein wrote, 'a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose," she managed to outgrow the grammatrix of language and cultivate a rose 'redder' than any other 'in history' as she would have put it and did. Simply by repeating, through repetition, a rose was made reddest in Gertrude's presence much like Rothko's early works are his most red, reflecting his invigorating and vigorous vitalism before his health waned.

The circuit of a roller rink during a roller derby sustains an ever increasing vitalism too. But, wait! That thing on the left is a beholder! A beholder is an aberration. It is a floating spheroid body with a single eye on the front and many flexible eyestalks on the top. Lone beholders found at roller derbys are often refugees who have survived an attack that exterminated the rest of their nest or are outcasts who were expelled for having some form of mutation. The most famous lone beholder is Large Luigi, who works as a barkeeper at Oh Joy's. Somewhat mild and even-tempered, lone beholders have even been known to form friendships with other creatures, a trait that no other beholderkin or true beholder ever displays.
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